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Logistics insurance

專業(yè)提供進口+出口+第三國轉(zhuǎn)運物流保險 ,保到倉保上架


      不承保的國家/地區(qū)Non-insured country

* 不可承保的國家/地區(qū):非洲(除埃及和南非共和國)、伊拉克、以色列、黎巴嫩、巴勒斯坦、尼泊爾、阿富汗、格魯齊亞、塞爾維亞、馬其頓、黑山、波黑、科索沃、安哥拉、柬埔寨、老撾、緬甸、朝鮮等國家和地區(qū)的貨物Africa (except Egypt and The Republic of South Africa)Iraq,Israel,Lebanon,Palestine,Nepal,Afghanistan,Georgia,Serbia,Macedonia,Republic of Montenegro,Bosnia and Herzegovina,Kosovo,Angola,Kingdom of Cambodia,Laos,Burma,Korea and other countries and regions.

* 除以上不可承保的國家/地區(qū)以外,均可承保。 

In addition to the above non-insured country/region, all can be insured.

      不可投保的物品Non-insured objects:

1、武器彈藥、現(xiàn)金、支票、票證、單證、有價證券、信用證、護照、衛(wèi)星;1.Weapons, ammunition, cash, checks, tickets, documents, securities, letters of credit, passports, satellites.

2、貨物運輸過程中遭受的核子能、原子能風(fēng)險,放射性沾染風(fēng)險,政治、財政、信用風(fēng)險;2.The nuclear energy, atomic energy risk, the radioactive contamination risk,the political, financial and credit risk that may occur during transportation.

3、運輸起止地均在境外(含港澳臺地區(qū))的離岸業(yè)務(wù),但投保人或被保險人為中國大陸境內(nèi)公司的,可以向保險人特別申報;3.The location of  transportation starts and ends all in offshore (including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) offshore business, but the policy holder or the insured company in mainland China can declare to the insurer specially.

4、如果保險標(biāo)的運輸將途經(jīng)正在交戰(zhàn)地區(qū),不予承保戰(zhàn)爭風(fēng)險;4.If the transportation of the insurance target will pass through the fighting area,protection against war will not be valid.

5、藝術(shù)品、金銀、珠寶、首飾、鉆石、玉器、大理石、文物古玩等貴重易損物品;5.Works of art, gold and silver, jewelry, jewellery, diamonds, jade, marble, antiques and other valuable and vulnerable items.

6、無外包裝/裸裝貨物(包括集裝箱運輸者)的破碎、凹癟、氧化、碰損、刮擦以及銹損風(fēng)險;6. No risk of breaking, collapse, oxidation, touch loss, scraping and rust loss of the unpacked/bare goods (including container transporters).


7.No obvious robbery marks, no clear reason and no definite responsibility goods loss risk, risk of goods of goods vehicle unattended, stolen or lost risk.


The following business does not belong to the scope of the insurance policy of this reservation. For insurance, the insured must ensure the complete "cargo insurance business insurance" special declaration to the insurer a formal written declaration in particular the cargo shipment before the insurer's written consent to the underwriting audit:


1, the ship's cargo is owned or managed for more than 20 years (including 20 years) or less than 500 gross tonnage (including 500 tons) or non steel or no self propelled capacity.

2、水泥、糧食、飼料、食糖、煤炭等散裝運輸?shù)呢浳铮?/span>2, the bulk cargo transportation of cement, grain, feed, sugar, coal and other goods;

3、魚粉、菜籽餅、地瓜干、花生、食品罐頭等易腐易蛀物品;3, fish meal, rapeseed cake, dried fruit, peanuts, canned food and other perishable and easily moth objects

4、玻璃、陶瓷、燈具、液晶顯示設(shè)備等易碎物品以及含有易碎部件的物品;4, glass, ceramics, lamps and lanterns, liquid crystal display equipment and other fragile items and articles containing fragile components;

5、中國大陸境內(nèi)無修復(fù)或定損技術(shù)能力的貨物;China mainland without repair or damage of the goods and technology ability;

6、舊物品、舊設(shè)備、在用品、返修貨物、二手貨物以及無包裝/裸裝貨物; Old goods, old equipment, supplies, rebuilt goods, second-hand goods and unpacked / bare goods.

7、危險品、易燃易爆物品、軍用品、國內(nèi)外各相關(guān)職能部門明令的禁止流通物品或限制流通物品;Dangerous goods, inflammable and explosive articles, military goods, and other relevant functional departments at home and abroad, which are prohibited to circulate or restrict circulation goods.

8、動植物、海貨、鮮活貨、血制品、易變質(zhì)物品、需冷藏運輸?shù)呢浳铮?/span>animals and plants, seafood, fresh goods, blood products, perishable items, refrigerated transport of goods;

9、保險標(biāo)在非洲(除埃及和南非共和國)、伊拉克、以色列、黎巴嫩、巴勒斯坦、尼泊爾、阿富汗、格魯齊亞、塞爾維亞、馬其頓、黑山、波斯尼亞和黑塞哥維那(波黑)、科索沃、安哥拉、柬埔寨、緬甸、老撾、朝鮮等國家和地區(qū)的領(lǐng)土(包括領(lǐng)空領(lǐng)海)或?qū)嶋H控制區(qū)所發(fā)生的任何損失。the insured in Africa (except Egypt and Republic of South Africa), Iraq, Israel, Lebanon, Palestine, Nepal, Afghanistan, Georgia, Serbia, Macedonia, Zia Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Kosovo, Angola, Kampuchea, Burma, Laos, North Korea and other countries and regions of the territory (including territorial airspace) any loss or the actual control area.

10、艙面貨(裝載于集裝箱船的集裝箱運輸貨物不屬于艙面貨)deck cargo (loaded in container ship container transport goods do not belong to the deck cargo);

11、如承保境外非水面和空中戰(zhàn)爭險,對可能交戰(zhàn)地區(qū)加保戰(zhàn)爭險的業(yè)務(wù);such as underwriting of overseas non water and air war risk of war zone inclusion of war insurance business;

12、沒收和拒收風(fēng)險,間接和利潤損失風(fēng)險,責(zé)任風(fēng)險,流量保單業(yè)務(wù); the risk of confiscation and rejection, the risk of indirect and profit loss, the liability risk, the traffic policy;

13、采用非中國或國際通用標(biāo)準(zhǔn)保險條款的業(yè)務(wù);he use of non - China or international standard insurance clauses;

14、索馬里海盜所致任何損失;Any loss caused by Somali pirates;

15、其他任何不符合本預(yù)約保險單約定的業(yè)務(wù)。Any other business that does not conform to the agreement of this reservation insurance policy.


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